West Deptford Commercial Electrical Contractors

west-deptford-commercial-electricalWhen you’re in need of West Deptford commercial electrical contractors with a proven track record of reliability and dependability, D.P. Murt Inc. should be your choice. D.P. Murt Inc. is based in nearby Pennsauken and provides complete electrical services for businesses throughout South Jersey and the Philadelphia area. We have been a veteran-owned business for over 30 years now, and clients choose us for our reputation of solid workmanship and completing projects on time.

D.P. Murt offers multiple types of commercial electrical contractors services for West Deptford businesses:

Commercial Services. Whether you own a small or large office facility, apartment complex or restaurant, we can replace your existing, dated wiring system with a brand new, up-to-code and more efficient system. We also design and build for your facility needs, for everything from installing new generators to heating and cooling systems and lighting installation.

Industrial Services. Our professionally trained technicians can install and/or maintain your power sources and wiring systems, helping you to keep your plant productive and avoid expensive shutdowns. Our team can replace your generators, power wiring, and most types of circuits, along with UPS and emergency backup systems. We also specialize in upgrading of security and fire systems, to help keep your workers safe and guard against theft.

Institutional Services. D.P. Murt Inc. can provide you with an energy conservation audit to show you where you can reduce energy costs. We provide energy efficient lighting installation and are ahead of the curve in green technology. We can meet your energy needs using solar and wind power and reduce your carbon footprint.

If you’d like to find out more about our electrical services, click on the “Services” tab, where you can see some of our finished projects. Whether you need a new electrical system or just an upgrade of your existing one, D.P. Murt is ready and able to complete the job at a fair price.

Click here for a complimentary survey and to arrange a meeting with our staff, and see what makes us the reliable choice for West Deptford commercial electrical contractors. At D.P. Murt Inc., we take care of the power, so you can take care of business.